PlanGuru App Update 1.9.3

October 6, 2023 Release - including New Features and Fixes

With our latest release (version 1.9.3) a number of improvements and fixes have been made to the program. You can find them listed below.


Adding User – Program Getting Stuck if No Company selected: It was possible to add a user without selecting a company to add them to first. This would cause the program to lock up and the user not to be added. This can no longer happen.


Interest Expense – Not Saving VAT Behavior: A small issue some users noticed, when trying to modify the VAT behavior for an account with the Interest Expense account type, it would not save. This behavior has been corrected.


Trends and Averages – Could Select Monthly Trend in Annual Setup Scenarios: It was possible for users to select the Monthly Trend option even if their scenario was set up to be just annual periods, resulting in a calculation that wouldn’t make sense. This has been fixed.


Consolidation – Not Trapping for Actuals: Previously you could reconsolidate even if not all child scenarios were rolled forward to the same month. This would cause forecast and actual results to be mixed together for certain months. The consolidation will now check to make sure all child scenarios are rolled forward to the same month so this will no longer happen.


Annual Setup – Archive Budget Issue: If the forecast year was set up to be just annual and the user archived their budget, it would not archive correctly, displaying large incorrect numbers instead. This has been fixed and will no longer happen.


Depreciation Expense – Showing in incorrect place in Consolidated Cash Flow: Rarely some users noticed that if they had a depreciation expense that was pulled into a consolidation from a child scenario, it was displaying in the wrong place in the cash flow section. This has been fixed.


Permissions – Access Level Not Displaying Correct Permissions After Edit: Some users noticed that if they edited a users existing permissions, upon going back in to view that users permissions, it would not display correctly. This was a graphical issue only, as the changes made would actually take effect, they would just display incorrectly.


Consolidation – Options to Not Consolidate Cash and Retained Earnings: An improvement allowing users to choose whether or not they want their consolidation scenario to consolidate cash and retained earnings or not. This allows users who only keep a balance sheet at the consolidated level to accurately forecast their balance sheet.


Annual Formats – Actual Tab Showing Monthly Breakdown: If the forecast year was set up as one annual period, upon navigating to the actual tab it would still show a monthly breakdown. This has been corrected and it will now just show one annual period like the forecast tab.


Accumulate Amount – Reset At End of Year: On very rare occasions some users noticed that for whatever reason the Accumulate Amount – Reset at end of year option in the formula builder would not work for them. This has been fixed.


Formula Builder – Error when Using Account Type: Sometimes when a user tried to add an “Account Type” to a formula it would result in them receiving an error. This was fixed and should no longer happen.