Using Percent of Other Accounts Projection Method


The "% of other Accounts" method is perfect for forecasting revenue and expense categories that can be expressed as a % of some other line item.


When using this forecasting method, you will have two inputs.  First you will need to select the other accounts (or account groupings) you want to make the category a function of. Second, you'll need to define a percentage


After entering a % in the first month of the grid on the bottom, PlanGuru will ask you if you'd like to apply this percentage to all subsequent months. If you select yes PlanGuru will populate the same % into all subsequent months.



After doing this you can manually update months as necessary.



Selecting your anchor categories 

When defining the accounts on the right-hand side of the screen you can highlight up to 10 other accounts.



You can also select Sub or Class totals.